9:00 - 5.4 miles / 10 minutes - 9:10
Bell Rock Vista and Pathway Southern Trailhead
Located just north of the Village, this is a traveler's first up-close-and-personal experience with the towering red rocks of Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte. This trailhead has extensive Red Rock Country information, with numerous trails and photographic opportunities. Bell Rock is a popular destination for hikers and mountain bikers, and well known as a major vortex site for New Agers and others throughout the world.
9:55 - 1.1 miles / 2 minutes - 9:57
Little Horse Trail and Bell Rock Pathway Northern Trailhead
Situated atop a hill, this trailhead is an opportunity to gaze west at Cathedral Rock, one of the most photographed places in Arizona. Late in the day or early in the morning, this majestic view can be inspirational. Look east for an excellent view of the "Three Nuns," a series of red spires just above the Chapel of the Holy Cross. Many hiking trails branch off from here (like "Little Horse") and will take you through hidden washes, pools and breathtaking vistas.
12:57 - 0.8 miles / une minute - 12:59