9:00 - 1.7 miles / 3 minutes - 9:03
This wayside in Denali State Park showcases scenic viewpoints, a short interpretive trail, viewing scopes, and interpretive panels on natural history topics such as Mt. McKinley’s mountaineering history and Alaska Range weather. In summer, State Park volunteers give informal oral presentations.
9:03 - 3.3 miles / 6 minutes - 9:10
Managed by Denali State Park, the campground has 20 campsites, with picnic sites, water, picnic shelters, and toilets. Trails access the creek and provide good trout, salmon, and grayling fishing. A double-sided kiosk provides interpretation on Denali State Park bears, hiking, plants, and moose.
9:10 - 12.2 miles / 24 minutes - 9:34
This popular picnic spot in Denali State Park includes a number of interpretive displays on World War II and natural and cultural history topics. The Memorial consists of monuments and an alcove with a semi-circle of five 20-foot-tall concrete panels representing the five branches of the military. At the entrance to the Memorial stands a statue of two members of the Alaska Territorial Guard.
9:34 - 10.5 miles / 20 minutes - 9:55
Denali View North Campground and Wayside
This facility in Denali State Park features camping and picnic sites. The site offers spotting scopes, a nature trail, and interpretive kiosks with panels on topics such as Mt. McKinley’s mountaineering history, bears, Leave No Trace Techniques, and scenic viewing of the Alaska Range. State Park volunteers give informal oral presentations in summer.
9:55 - 195.2 miles / 6 heures 30 minutes - 16:25